Full Paper (or Extended Abstract) Submission

Full Paper (or Extended Abstract) Submission
Full paper (or Extended Abstract) Submission

Authors of the accepted abstract may submit full paper or extended abstract manuscripts through the IAHR-Asia 2025 website by May 31, 2025 for publication in the sympoium program book. The full paper or extended abstract manuscripts must be submitted in PDF format and must be formatted according to the symposium style template as shown in the following example:

Template_Full Paper_IAHR-Asia Template_Extended Abstract_IAHR-Asia

The templates for the full paper and extended abstract are provided on the submission menu of the website. Full papers or extended abstracts will be evaluated by the organizing committee. To ensure a fair and efficient evaluation process, we kindly request that all fulll papers or extended abstracts are prepared in PDF format and adhere to the strict page limits of “six to ten” pages(for full paper) or “two” pages(for extended abstract). The name of the presenting author at the conference should be underlined.

Symposium full paper or extended abstract can be submitted using the following submission button link.

Full paper (or Extended Abstract) submission

If you cannot access the website template and submission links, please ask for instructions by sending an e-mail to the secretariat (khh106@gnu.ac.kr).


The selected outstanding symposium full papers recommended by the IAHR-Asia 2025 international organizing committee reviewers will be considered for publication in the special issue of peer-reviewed international journal, IOP Journal of Physics: Conference series, as a conference proceeding.

IOP Journal of Physics: Conference series



English must be used in your abstract and final paper as well as your presentation.